Top Level StarCraft II


We are an organisation dedicated to lowering the entry barrier in the SC2 competitive scene. In order to achive that we host tournaments, and provide affordable, and free coaching, trying to charge as little as possible while being able to bring some of the best coaches casters and admins we can reach.


Our coaching plans

Our Mobius partnership

The CGC tournaments

We try to bring the best coaches we can get to as many people as possible, providing StarCraftII players of all levels a way to improve at the game.

Mobius is a tournament hosting platform that hosts StarCraftII tournaments, every day, helping us bring prize pools to amateur players too, helping to make a stronger community and help as many people feel the competitive spirit.

With the support of our community we managed to host the biggest dimond tournament, summing up to almost 500$ in production value and prize pools, and we hope to continue this series.

We offer a variety of services, from simple video courses, to competitions and group coaching sessions.


Individual 1 on 1 coaching


Live group coaching


Video courses and live support



We are always looking for more coaches and casters, so feel free to reach out if you are interested, you can either email us, open a ticket on the discord, or click the link below and fill the form!